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Niger – Conflict (DG ECHO, UNDSS, WFP) (ECHO Daily Flash of 14 March 2018)

During 12-13 March, two civilians and three police officers were killed in the Region of Tillabéry, affected by the spillover of the conflict in Mali. Populations living close to the Malian border are regularly threatened, becoming victims of forced displacement by non-state armed groups. Since the beginning of the year, more than 2 000 persons have been displaced and more than 40 villages are at risk.

Humanitarian needs are exacerbated by potential intercommunity conflicts and serious concerns for the food and pastoral situations, while humanitarian assistance is hampered by the presence of armed groups and the lack of access to the vulnerable populations. On 8 March 2018, the government extended the State of Emergency in the three affected regions of Niger (Diffa, Tillabéry and Tahoua).